Music enrichment for adults and kids //
Sliding scale tuition //
Oriented around community engagement //
Voted Best Music Teachers in Rochester NY 2023
1500 S. Clinton Ave Rochester NY //
Our Private Classes

We teach a variety of guitar styles on acoustic or electric. Whether our students are starting from scratch or have songs prepared to practice, we can help you grow by exploring different genres that help develop different skills.
Students will get the chance to learn fundamentals and theory while learning ​how to play their favorite songs. Like guitar, piano lessons are adapted from student to student to fit their learning style and interests.
From beginning voice lessons to professional vocal coaching​, students will learn breathing techniques, pitch production, projection​, stage presence and microphone techniques, all while forming a great repertoire of songs. Our main goal in voice lessons, is developing healthy, age-appropriate vocal practices. Joining Submarine Singers or Adult Chorus is highly recommended.
Drum students will practice basic skills, learn popular drum beats, read rhythms accurately and play to their favorite songs. For drum students looking to play to live music, "Band Practice" (Rock Ensemble) is recommended.
Not only is Ukulele a wonderful life-long instrument, it is also a great way to get into playing an instrument for the first time. Especially for youngsters interested in eventually playing guitar. All ages can learn to play and sing with Ukulele. Joining Ukulele Orchestra is recommended for all levels!
Bassists get hand on experience playing with teachers and other students. Bass (both acoustic and electric) are often the unsung hero, but at the Submarine School of Music we celebrate the deepend!

Woodwinds, Brass, Strings, Reeds
We offer classes in specific instruments of all kinds, from mandolin, to flute, to bass
Songwriting takes practice. We offer individual and group songwriting classes to all ages and provide yearly opportunities for students to show their work.

The Submarine School of Music provides tuition assistance on a sliding scale that prioritizes qualifying youth ages 6 to 17, based on household income, family size, and special financial considerations. The funding will come from community fundraising and grants. Scholarships last 12 months and must be reapplied for annually.
To be considered for a scholarship, fill out a Scholarship Application and submit to
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis in the order in which they are received. Due to a high number of applications, qualifying applicants will be contacted only if funding becomes available.